Category: Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

Jun Kimura, MD Emeritus Professor of Neurology at the University of Iowa will be the keynote presenter at the annual symposium of Hands-On Diagnostics this coming September

Physical Therapists in private practice face unique challenges. Dr. Dimitrios Kostopoulos, co-founder of Hands-On Diagnostics, discusses the top 3 of them and reveals the secrets to conquer them.

Hands-On Diagnostics launched a new fellowship program in musculoskeletal ultrasound sonography to train Physical Therapists and other healthcare providers in this advanced technology

The 4th Annual Symposium of Hands-On Diagnostics gives the opportunity to Physical Therapists to discuss the future of the Physical Therapy profession with use of advanced diagnostic technologies.

Physical Therapists members of Hands-On Diagnostics group, donate $6,000 towards the relief effort for Hurricane Harvey

Hands-On Diagnostics expands its reach to the Western US with the establishment of a new consortium dedicated to physical therapists from the Western US States; the new training program starts in July 2017

Advances in Musculoskeletal Ultrasound technology allows Physical Therapists and other healthcare providers to specifically identify nerve pathology and help patients effectively

Hands-On Diagnostics' developing residency program in clinical electrophysiology for the performance of electrodiagnosis has been granted recognition status by the AMERICAN BOARD OF PHYSICAL THERAPY RESIDENCY & FELLOWSHIP EDUCATION (ABPTRFE).